July 17, 2004

Me: A-Z

I picked this up at Otto's wonderful blog:

A ct your age?: Try to make me.
B orn on what day of the week?: Saturday.
C hore you hate?: Work.
D ad's name?: Eddie
E ssential makeup item?: Other than foundation to cover the eternal acne, I must use an eyelash curler. My eyelashes on my left eye want to curl under now for some maddening reason.
F avorite actor(s)?: I really try not to get too attached to any of them. I love movies, but a lot of these actors/actresses can't seem to stay out of liberal politics. It makes me so sick, that I have little or no resepect for most of them anymore. As sure as I say I like one of them they're going to open their mouth and say the STUPIDEST thing ever. It's Murphy's Law, you know.
G old or silver?: Silver.
H ometown?: Russellville, AR.
I nstruments you play?: I played violin for 6 years and piano for 2. I'm sure I can't play either anymore in a manner that would be enjoyable to the human nervous system.
J ob title?: Domestic Goddess.
K ids?: no thank you, I already have 5 -- Boy(18), Girl(17), Girl(14), Boy(12), Boy(10).
L iving arrangements?: Married to a wonderful man with whom I share 5 children, 3 dogs and 3 cats.
M um's name?: Cheryl
N eed?: a time-out
O vernight hospital stays?: No thank you. I've had several for babies, surgery, etc., not to mention all the countless times I was there with one of my kids -- mostly Jason and Ian. I don't like it there very much.
P hobias?: Here they are -- I even made some up.
Q uote you like?: "The truth is that parents are not really interrested in justice. They just want quiet." -- Bill Cosby
R eligious affiliation?: Latter-day Saint (LDS) also known as Mormon.
S iblings: one very pesky younger brother.
T ime you wake up?:Is it that time already? Left to my own devices, and if I get to bed before midnight, by 8 am, however I usually get up at 6:30 when my husband gets ready for work.
U nique talent?: I can shoot saliva out from under my tongue in a "fountain" -- a beautiful talent I developed in the sixth grade. It's an excellent thing to use on the back of the neck in front of you in science class.
V egetable you refuse to eat?: Peas, brussel sprouts, turnips -- I could go on and on.
W orst habit?: Procrastination.
X -rays you've had?: Is this question the only thing that you can ask with the letter X? OK, I really don't know -- dental, chest, arm.
Y ummy food you make?: I asked each of my family, and these are the top favorites: chicken & dumplings, quesadillas, Mexican casserole, haystacks, and pizza
Z oo animal you like?: I don't know -- they're all pretty smelly to me. But, I think the big cats are beautiful and the primates are entertaining.

Posted by 2Flower at July 17, 2004 10:47 PM

1. I agree about the liberal actors -- and I've always had a worse problem with musicians. All my favorite artists have always been flaming leftists: Elvis Costello, Laurie Anderson, The Go-Go's, Patti Smith ... My wife used to sing professionally, and she's always loved Barbara Streisand's music, and even her non-musical movies -- but whenever Babs starts getting political, Karlyn gets nauseous.

2. Russellville! Last time I was in Arkansas (1997) and in fact the longest I've ever been in Arkansas (overnight) was in Russellville. Our standup comedy group was hired to entertain at a Christmas party; everybody at the party was super-nice to us, and really made us feel welcome. It was one of the most enjoyable times I've ever had.

(I don't suppose you were at the party ... if you were, you've seen me!)

Posted by: brykMantra at July 19, 2004 08:24 PM

Nope, I was in Hawaii for the entirety of 1997. We didn't make it back to the area (not Rusellville but nearby) until mid-1998. So you liked Russellville -- cool. It's a pretty good place, and I found a great man here. I was a navy brat, and then Scott was in the military. Russellville is the closest thing to what my kids and I can call a hometown. Do you remember where you had your party?

Posted by: 2flower at July 19, 2004 09:00 PM

Um ... some banquet hall of a catering place, I think? It was south of the Interstate. I think we turned off on the street where the Waffle House and our motel (Holiday Inn?) were located, then went west on some fairly major street. Hey, just somebody who worked at the plant -- there were so many of them in that small town, you *must* know somebody that was there, LOL. (Tell them I was the second comic of four, that did the drug-testing jokes. They'll remember me.)

Posted by: brykMantra at July 19, 2004 09:19 PM

I really enjoyed reading your A-Z quiz, 2flower! And I don't know HOW I ever missed your entry about phobias; the best ones are the ones you made up yourself. I also have a fear of parallel parking; can't do it so I try never to have to! I am so glad you're back to blogging, girl! =)

Posted by: otto at July 19, 2004 09:51 PM

Found your site from another blog and wanted to see where I could find more info

Posted by: play boy at August 4, 2004 12:24 AM