August 30, 2004

Doctors, schmoctors

Obi is re-adjusting well. I think that after 6 months of basically no human contact, he's doing very well. It makes me so sad for all the time he spent scared and alone. But at least it's over now. By last night, it was as if he were never away. He is almost back to normal except that he doesn't jump up on my lap yet. He used to come jump on my lap several times a day when he got spooked. But I can tell he's thinking about it. ;)

Today I get to go in for my annual checkup -- except that it's been a decade. Don't gripe at me -- at least I'm finally going. I got scared off by a lot of the doctors I had to see when Scott was in the military. I could have filed for a few malpractice suits. I'm not saying all the doctors and nurses were bad -- some were quite good. But so many of them were -- losers -- doctors who had no bedside manner and/or didn't know what they were doing. It's hard for me to go to a doctor that I don't know and trust. And of course now Scott and I no longer have health insurance. It's really not a big deal, because we hardly ever get sick. When I get sick, the first thing I usually do is call the health food store. It never fails to help. So anyway, I'm going to see a female doctor today that is my mother's gynecologist. My mom thinks she's wonderful, so I'm not nearly as nervous as I would normally be. I think it's much better to pay for seeing the doctor I want to see than almost all the "free" health care we received as military dependants.

Posted by 2Flower at August 30, 2004 10:00 AM

Good for you, 2flower (about going to see the doctor...) Sounds like Obi is adjusting quite well considering how long he was away. Have a wonderful week, my friend! =)

Posted by: otto at August 31, 2004 07:05 AM