September 10, 2004


I've got to start getting to bed earlier.

I made 2 new blinkies today/yesterday:


It's way too much fun. ;) It's therapeutic somehow.

I don't think I have as much to say tonight/this morning, but it feels like a good idea to try to keep up the habit. I'm really bad about not sticking with the good stuff I start. Since I used to try to keep lists on my blog, I may start again. It's just when I get too obsessive that it all falls apart.

So here is my Disclaimer: It's okay if I stink at setting goals, but I can also be good at it if I want to. I give myself permission to do nothing, everything, or a few of the things on the list. It's okay if everyone with internet access in the whole world sees that I did nothing. I may put every little thing on the list, or I may only put the most important depending on my mood. I'm cranking out the list just for my own reminder and/or entertainment for myself and others. And last, but not least, I will not feel obligated to make a list every day -- or ever again unless I want to.

Now any doubts you had about whether or not I'm crazy have been completely put to rest, right? ;)

So here is the start of a reminder list for tomorrow/today. I may add to it throughout the day tomorrow.

Make bed
load of laundry -- including Christopher's clothes wash - dry - fold - put away
load of laundry wash - dry - fold - put away
clean master bathroom - toilet - sink - tub - shower - sweep
water plants
wash dishes

make blinkies!

more to come later... maybe

Posted by 2Flower at September 10, 2004 01:23 AM

I have no idea how you do the blinkies. I can't seem to work at that close-ness. Ya know? Incredible work! :)

Posted by: pam at September 10, 2004 07:22 AM

Lovely blinkies, 2flower! I agree; it is therapeutic (had to cheat and look at how you spelled that word!) 'Tis the reason I tend to stay up too late at night; psp. There's so much you can do with it! And no, I don't think you're crazy at all!! You know, you can make blinkie puffin squares too (hint, hint!) We miss ya over there at the friendship wall! =)

Posted by: otto at September 14, 2004 04:40 PM