Play Monday Madness here.
1. You are given 1 million dollars. You must give it all away before the donor gives you $1 million. Who would you give it to? Well, aside from the inevitable large contribution to the IRS :P, I would probably give it to some local charities -- like the battered women's shelter and the crisis pregnancy center, etc.
2. If you had $1 million what would you do with it FIRST? Again, the IRS would take most of it, and then I would pay off my mortgage and buy the 10 acres of land that we rent.
3. Do you participate in lotteries? I bought a few tickets when we lived in California, but I wouldn't ever waste my money on them now that I'm better at math. ;)
4. Name 3 of your best physical features. I have very long, brown hair with silver "highlights", I have green eyes with a very unique iris pattern, and I have really great teeth -- according to 4 out of 5 dentists. ;)
5. ..... 3 of your biggest virtues. I can make people laugh, I love to learn, and I can do just about anything I really try to do.
6. ......3 of you biggest vices. I waste a lot of time (i.e. LAZY), I drink too much Coke, and I'm a cheapskate.
7. ...... 3 of your favorite pleasures in life. Reading, sleeping & playing on my computer.
8 If you were a member of the opposite sex, what would you choose to do for your occupation? I can't really imagine myself as a man. I'd probably be some kind of girlie-man. ;) I'm sure I would do something geeky.
9. If you were to come back after death as another animal, what animal would you choose to be? A bear -- or maybe some kind of bird.
10. What kind of 'baby' are you... water, clouds, beach, garden? I like the beach and gardens (minus the bug bites/stings)