September 30, 2004

Babies are a lot of work

This is an understatement -- definitely. Not that I didn't already know babies are a huge job -- I'm just not used to taking care of them anymore. I'm babysitting Jordan while Cassandra tries to find a job. She moved back up here a few days ago. So that's why the posts have been non-existant the past few days. The days have been a blur, actually. I think I finally got caught up on my rest, though.

On another subj. -- I got a new pedometer, which will allow me to track how lazy I am on a daily basis. That ought to be enlightening. :P I know I may have to work my way up to 10,000 steps. I've been wearing the pedometer for a couple of days now, and I need to keep track of my steps. So here is yesterdays info.

Yesterday's steps: 4163
Goal: at least 10,000 steps a day

I may try putting my steps on here every day, but since I'm not the most consistent person -- don't count on it. Not that you would. That would just be silly.

Posted by 2Flower at September 30, 2004 10:45 AM

Your Awesome! Keep up the walking. I love you,

Posted by: Scott at October 1, 2004 12:19 PM

Can you come take care of my kids too?

Posted by: Genuine at October 4, 2004 09:10 PM