November 03, 2004

Happy Day, all is right

At about 11:30 last night I went to bed fairly confident that Bush had won. I'm glad to see that nothing really changed while I was asleep. I'm also very glad to see that Tom Dascle is gone. My only big disappointment was that Blanche Lincoln (D) got re-elected over Jim Holt (R) for the Senate in Arkansas. Scott and I would have been very glad to see Bla-a-a-a-nche go bye-bye. But thankfully we were able to keep John Boozman (R) as our Representative. Boozman is a very good man because not only is he a conservative, but he answers every bit of email we've ever sent him with a letter -- sometimes even with a personal handwritten note. From what I've seen, the man actually works! :)

On to another subj. -- in what may have been a rash decision, Cassandra decided to go back to Mark Sunday evening. Naturally this decision had us dealing with her baggage (emotional & otherwise) and taking her out there late in the evening. Really long story. Anyway, I picked up Jordan yesterday, babysat him for 6 1/2 hours, and drove him back home -- a total of 70 miles. Last night I let them know that while I wanted to be supportive, that I can't be doing that anymore. It was different watching Jordan while Cassandra worked and was living here -- supposedly she was going to be getting divorced. Now that they're back together, my sense of obligation has waned to the point that I can't exhaust myself that much every day -- not to mention I can't afford the gas.

And now I'm going to listen to Rush... :)

Posted by 2Flower at November 3, 2004 09:33 AM

I can't blame you for that, 2flower. I'm sure your daughter understands that you can't commit to driving 70 miles every day to watch her baby....I hope. I also hope everything works out with her and her husband. When our kids are younger we sometimes think we are dealing with the most difficult years of their lives (at least I do; my daughter is still a teen), but I also know that because they are our kids and we love them, their problems, etc. will always be our problems too. I wish you all the best!

Posted by: otto at November 12, 2004 09:00 AM

nice siet

Posted by: G-Unit at July 28, 2005 11:49 AM

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Posted by: Garyy at July 30, 2005 11:24 AM

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Posted by: Sandra at July 30, 2005 08:04 PM

I found your site and added it to bookmarks. Tomorow will check it out. Vew my site.

Posted by: Minior at October 2, 2005 06:59 PM
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