July 20, 2004

Good Berger Pants Rants

I did a little surfing today. Enjoy!

Foolsblog: ... Sandy Berger may have a paper fetish or a bladder control issue... Can you imagine the frontpage banner headlines and outrage if this were Condaleeza Rice? She'd be sitting next to Martha on the bus to a mimimum security facility.

Alamo Nation: The Clinton Era gave us many scandals. White Water. Vince Foster's *ahem* 'death.' The Lewinsky Affair. Travelgate. Filegate. And now, almost four years since the Clintons left office - Pantsgate.

Blogs of War: Someone from the Clinton administration getting busted for putting something in their pants for a change. What a nice change of pace.

democrats give conservatives indigestion: It was always about pants
What was the fascination with pants in the Clinton administration? We went from Bill, who couldn't keep his zipped, to Hillary, the one who REALLY wore the pants in the White House. Now we find that Sandy Berger liked to stuff his with secret documents. Who was running the country all those years?

Random Thoughts: They think it's okay because they believe there are other copies of the documents. So, following that logic, if I worked at a bank and stuffed my clothes with $100 bills it wouldn't be wrong because there are more of them somewhere?

Posted by 2Flower at July 20, 2004 02:47 PM