November 16, 2004

Let me sum up

"Let me explain…no, there is too much. Let me sum up."

Cassandra & Mark -- Back together, apart (repeat as often as needed). She is living in her apartment again, minus Mark, plus nosering -- ugh. (at least at the time of this posting).

My mom had jaw surgery to fix her sleep apnea last Wednesday (90% likely to cure it). I stayed with her overnight at the hospital. "Patient" is a total misnomer -- should be the person staying with the person who had surgery. :P (but I totally understand because she was in a lot of pain)

I've had knee pain the last few days -- ouch, but a lot better today.

Been playing a lot of Neopests lately, but they've been down for maintenance all day today, so I have been crocheting baby toys, an afgan, and a winter hat for Jordan.

Been babysitting Jordan occasionally -- today included. He's the cutest baby in the world.

Been making honeysuckle baskets -- pics and instructions may be coming soon (never hold your breath when I say this).

And... I can't think of anything else tonight. I'm sure I've missed a lot...

Posted by 2Flower at November 16, 2004 10:43 PM

Hi 2flower! Just wanted to come by and wish you a wonderful week! Pictures would be great!! =) Honeysuckle baskets, eh? Are they hard to make? You're so talented!!

Posted by: otto at November 17, 2004 11:24 PM