July 14, 2004

Monday Wednesday Madness

1. I like my job. Yes, especially since I don't have one.
2. I find time to 'smell the flowers' so to speak. True, as long as it's not too hot or there aren't any ticks or chiggers nearby. Oh, I see -- yes, I always take time to have fun, especially when I should be doing other things.
3. I have no problem thinking of things to write about in my blog. Yeah. Right. LOL.
4. 'Organization' is my middle name! I don't have a middle name -- seriously, but if I did, it would probably be "distracted" or "compulsive".
5. If 'Plan A' doesn't work, there's always a 'Plan B.' Nah, let's just forget it.
6. I adjust easily to new surroundings. NOT.
7. I'd rather work 'behind the scenes' than 'in the spotlight.' Usually true if I can't just get out of it altogether.
8. I'm happy where I am, at this point in my life. I may as well be happy while I'm here.
9. I can wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. Sure, because there are lots and lots of "helpers" to wake me up.
10. I can function pretty well on less than 8 hours of sleep. I never function pretty well, but when I do function -- it takes a lot of sleep.

Posted by 2Flower at July 14, 2004 07:27 AM

Thanks for playing, 2flower! You have great answers.....About those buttheads; I'd like to think it's the caffiene withdrawl but I rarely expereience that and I see them everywhere too. The sad thing is that these people are multiplying too fast! It's good to see you back blogging! =)

Posted by: otto at July 15, 2004 12:25 AM

Thanks so much, Otto. :) I love your meme the best. Yes, there are plenty those people out there. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed by them and go off on a scary rant. ;)

Posted by: 2flower at July 15, 2004 07:36 AM